What to Ask a Personal Trainer Before Hiring Them

what to ask a personal trainer

Before hiring a personal trainer, it's important to ask the right questions to ensure you find someone with the right attributes and qualifications to help you reach your goals. With fitness being such a personal journey, your trainer should understand your goals and motivations on a personal level. 

When exploring different options, you should be actively thinking about what questions to ask a personal trainer. In your initial consultation, inquire about their certifications, specialties, experience with clients like yourself, training styles, and programming. Ask personal trainers how they track progress and keep clients accountable.

During a consultation, clear expectations should be set with regard to goals, availability, costs, and terms. By asking your personal trainer the right questions, you can be confident in your decision to hire them or not to hire them. In this article we’ll explore these topics further to help you navigate the process of finding the right personal trainer!

Ask About Their Qualifications and Experience

When meeting with a personal trainer, one of the most important things to ask about is their qualifications and experience. You'll want to verify that the person you are entrusting with your fitness and safety in the gym is adequately educated, certified, and has the right credentials.

"The only question you should ask a personal trainer is whether or not they are certified." 

Some will even say, "The only question you should ask a personal trainer is whether or not they are certified." While this is certainly an important question to ask, it's not the only question you should ask. Ask your personal trainer where they received their formal education and if they have any specialist certifications in areas like weight management, nutrition, corrective exercise, etc. 

questions to ask a personal trainer

While you should ensure that the personal trainer you're considering hiring is certified, note that a personal training certification should simply be the barrier to entry in this process.


Consider asking them how long they have been a personal trainer. What does their background in fitness look like? Do they subscribe to their own fitness regimen? Do they compete in sports like bodybuilding or powerlifting? Working with a personal trainer who "practices what they preach" can make all the difference in whether they can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Also, make sure they have experience designing programs for clients with goals similar to your own. Someone with physique-oriented goals shouldn't necessarily train with someone who specializes in powerlifting, as the goal set is quite different. Finding a trainer with the right qualifications and experience level will ensure a safe and effective training experience. 

Questions About Their Approach and Training Philosophy

Not all trainers share the same approach and views when it comes to exercise and training. Good questions to ask a personal trainer will revolve around their approach and mindset in the gym. One key question to ask is how they approach goal setting. A competent trainer will take the time to understand your individual goals, whether it's weight loss, strength building, or improving overall fitness. Ask them to explain their process for setting realistic and achievable goals, as well as how they track progress along the way.

Another essential factor to inquire about is their training style. Ask the personal trainer how they structure their workouts and if they follow a specific training methodology. The area that the trainer may specialize in will almost certainly influence the way they train most of their clients. Trainers that specialize in powerlifting will likely incorporate many Olympic-style exercises. In contrast, trainers with a bodybuilding background may segment their training sessions by specific muscle groups. Neither approach is better than the other; they are simply different and will elicit different results. 

what to ask a personal trainer before hiring them

While exercise is clearly beneficial for improving health and body composition, not all forms of exercise or resistance training are the same or serve the same purpose. Ask the prospective trainer what their approach to personal training looks like and assess if that approach aligns with your goals.


A client looking to optimize strength may benefit from a powerlifting approach, while a client looking to improve body composition may benefit from a bodybuilding approach. Understanding a trainer's style will help determine if it aligns with your preferences and fitness goals. 

Additionally, inquire about their philosophy on injury prevention and safety during workouts. A personal trainer should prioritize proper form and technique and incorporate adequate rest and recovery periods into their programs.

As the lead trainer of Heavy Mettle Fitness, I'm obligated to vet new trainers who want to join our team to ensure they share a similar approach to personal training. Given that many philosophies exist with regard to exercise and fitness, it can be confusing for clients if they receive contradictory information. For these reasons, our team must operate as a cohesive unit with a similar mentality and purpose.

Client Results and References

ask a personal trainer

Testimonials and client references can provide valuable insight into whether a particular trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals.

A great way to vet a personal trainer and their experience is to inquire about their previous clients' experiences and if they've had success in working with that particular trainer. Evidence of client success is an excellent way to validate a trainer's approach. 

A reputable trainer should be able to provide references or testimonials from satisfied clients who have achieved their fitness goals under their guidance. Some trainers may even advertise client results as a way to demonstrate that their approach to training really works. Ask the trainer if they have any before-and-after photos from previous clients that illustrate their clients' progress. Seeing proof in this manner can provide an added layer of confidence.

At Heavy Mettle Fitness, we believe transparency is essential to foster trust with our clients. Our website features several before-and-after photos and testimonials from past clients; we encourage prospective clients to read these testimonials as they can provide valuable insight as to what to expect upon signing up with us.

It would be beneficial to also inquire about the prospective trainer's approach to tracking progress and measuring success. A competent personal trainer should have a system in place to monitor your progress, whether it's through body measurements, fitness assessments, or other metrics. They should be able to explain how they keep clients accountable and motivated throughout their fitness journey. A system like this will cultivate a sense of accountability and ensure you'll see a satisfactory return on your investment.

Inquire About Their Availability and Scheduling

As a certified personal trainer with Heavy Mettle Fitness, I can attest that one of the most important considerations for a new client is scheduling and availability. If a trainer's availability doesn't align with your own, this is usually a non-starter.

what to ask a personal trainer

Ask the personal trainer about their current workload and if they have the ability to take on new clients. Understanding their schedule and availability is essential. If you're not a morning person, I would not recommend forcing yourself to wake up hours before your workday starts to try to meet a trainer's schedule. Doing so will likely result in an unsuccessful attempt to partake in a healthy exercise regimen. The best regimen for you is the one you can stick to long term; consider this when searching for a personal trainer.

Also, ask the trainer about their cancellation and rescheduling policy, as well as how far in advance you need to book sessions. Clear communication about availability and scheduling will ensure you establish a consistent training routine that fits your lifestyle and helps you stay committed to your fitness goals.

Ask About Cost and Payment Structure

ask personal trainer

There's no question that personal training can be a costly investment. However, there are usually affordable options that allow most people to adhere to a personal training regimen. It's all a matter of researching and contacting different personal trainers in your local area! 

Ask your personal trainer about their hourly rate and payment structure. Some trainers may charge per session, while others may offer discounted rates for purchasing a bundle of sessions upfront. It's also important to inquire about any additional fees or expenses, such as a gym membership or equipment costs associated with their services.

Discuss their payment methods and policies as well. Ask about their required payment method; some prefer cash, credit card, or online transfers. Clarify if they require full payment upfront or if they offer installment options. Knowing the cost and payment structure will help you determine if the trainer's services fit within your budget and if their payment terms align with your preferences and needs.

Communication and Support

Achieving success in a fitness journey requires a strong network of support and communication. If you're hiring a personal trainer, they should definitely be part of this network. For this reason, it's critical to ask your personal trainer if they'll be available to answer your questions or concerns outside of the regularly scheduled session times. Some trainers will communicate with clients via an app or messaging service. Regardless of the mode of communication, this is an essential aspect of personal training that shouldn't be overlooked. So, be sure to clarify these points with the prospective trainer.

New clients should also ask if they'll be provided with additional resources such as solo workout plans, nutrition guidance, or access to an online platform where they can track their progress. A good personal trainer should be readily available to answer questions, provide motivation, and offer guidance when needed. You can make a more informed decision by discussing these questions and concerns with a personal trainer. 

ask a personal trainer questions

Clear communication between clients and personal trainers is essential for long-term success. In addition to possessing all of the necessary qualifications, a good personal trainer will have excellent interpersonal skills.


As a certified personal trainer, I've worked with hundreds of clients in an in-person setting. In my experience, communication outside of training sessions is essential to ensure long-term success. Clients typically have many questions pertaining to their weekly nutrition and exercise regimen, and there's simply not enough time during a training session to address all of these questions adequately. Taking time to email/text clients throughout the week to ensure that their questions are met with timely and knowledgeable answers promotes their ability to achieve and sustain results. 

Understanding the Right Questions to Ask a Personal Trainer

Before hiring a personal trainer, it's important to ask specific questions regarding availability and scheduling, cost and payment structure, along with communication/support. Understanding their availability will ensure they can accommodate your demanding schedule and meet weekly session frequency. Inquiring about their rates, packages, and other possible expenses will give you a clear understanding of the financial commitment involved. Discussing their preferred method of communication and the level of support they offer outside of training sessions will help you gauge whether they can provide the guidance and motivation you need throughout your fitness journey.

Along with these considerations, it's important to note that a great personal trainer will not only possess the necessary expertise and qualifications, but they should also be someone you feel comfortable working with and can rely on for guidance and motivation.

*You should always consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise and/or nutrition regimen.